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Are you Taking Responsibility for the Life You’re Manifesting? – New Moon in Capricorn 2018


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Taking Responsibility for your Life

So how has 2018 begun for you?

What about your World is an authentic expression of you and what feels off?

With so many planets lined up in Capricorn at this New Moon the message is that it’s time to take responsibility for the creation of an authentic life; one that is aligned with your heart, your true desires and your values.


Discipline, Commitment and the Ability to Move a Mountain (or two!!)

Capricorn energy bestows discipline and commitment and if there’s a dynamic duo that’s going to help you change the way things are right now you couldn’t ask for much more than them.

Add time, ambition and stamina into the mix and you’ve got a formula to help you climb any mountain worth the effort – like the symbol of this capable sign (The Goat).

Capricorn is also about structure, order and routine and it’s one of the ironies in life that without these you cannot have true spontaneity nor freedom.

Life is about polarities and balance after all.


Bringing the Dream to Life

With Venus, Mercury, The Sun, The Moon, Pluto and Saturn all in this hardy sign it’s time to get serious when it comes to transforming what you see; especially with Saturn strong in his own sign for the next two years – see my post on that here 😉

And with Uranus still in separating square to Pluto and plugging into this New Moon you’re likely ready for a strong change right now – at least in one aspect of your life if not several.

Neptune in semi-square to the New Moon is a reminder of the vision that you’d like to breathe life into and Capricorn offers a sense of containment within which to give form to those dreams of yours.

But…. like all things worth going after it’s likely going to take some effort.


What Lies Beneath

Mars is still travelling in conjunction with Jupiter (both in Scorpio) pushing for some deep soul searching, for the unburying of some deep inner truths and the ultimate reclamation of your empowerment.

You cannot change your life without having a deep, dark, honest look at what already is – think wallpaper and cracks, heads buried in the sand, brushes sweeping messes under rugs…

If you find yourself living a life of drama then the first thing you need to do is to claim it and to really look at it – full in the face.

It’s time to take responsibility for all that is happening around you and to look at how you may be contributing to it.

Is it a behaviour pattern, a perception, an attitude?

Perhaps stronger boundaries are needed?

What small steps can you begin taking to take to disentangle yourself from it?

Thankfully, Mars with Jupiter also bestows an energy increase, so we’re all being helped along a little there!!

If ‘no time’ is a frequent excuse that you use, I urge you to look a little closer at that ‘reason’.

Why are you really holding back from going after what you want?


Relationships – What’s not working?

With Venus square to Uranus at this New Moon, relationships could well come under fire – be it partnerships, family or business connections.

Be on the look out for irritations and flair ups. They may just be indicators of what you don’t want in your life.

What will you no longer stand for?

Uranus’ inconjunct to Mars hints at searching out some creative and innovative solutions.

Uranus in Aries wants sudden change (perhaps a revolution in some cases) and it wants that change right now, but the way to that change is likely going to involve a confrontation with the Underworld and the unearthing of some psychological mess.

If adjustment is necessary, don’t let the fear of a difficult conversation or action stop you from stepping up.

It will be worth it in the end.


Catch Points and the Need to Speak your Truth

All signs have their negative sides and with Capricorn energy it’s important to look at where fear, guilt or an attitude of it all being too hard may be holding you back.

When we are called to speak our truth it can bring up all kinds of gnarly scenarios, emotions and conversations, but if we can bravely ask for what we want in life the end result is usually a much more fulfilling life.

This is not the month to continue to put up and shut up and, as I alluded to in last month’s New Moon post “Feel the Fear… and Do it Anyway” –

What’s the alternative?

… Stagnation, going round in circles, living in fear, disempowerment and feeling like you’re living a life of which you have no control over.

Now, in all honesty, what’s more scary?

As someone who embraces change and self-development as essential to manifesting a joyous and healthful life for myself, I encourage you to take a deep breath and to dive deeply into making shifts happen.

Who knows where that brave step will take you and who you’ll be as we round out 2018!!


Respect of the Feminine and the Need for Self Care

Finally, with Venus and The Moon flanking the Sun I couldn’t complete this post without a mention of the need for and the respect of feminine energy.

Whether you are female or male, you need a dose of both feminine and masculine energy in order to nourish, sustain and function on all levels.

Masculine energy is outward, linear and driven energy whereas feminine energy is receptive, cyclical, soft and nurturing.

Whatever you’re taking responsibility for make sure that it also includes your own very important self care.

Balancing ambition and goal-crushing with good food, adequate sleep, rest and gentle sustaining activities are the way to keep yourself on track for the entire year.

Think of your life as a marathon, not a sprint.

Smell the roses, enjoy the journey and definitely make time for you, your loved ones and some fun!!

With this month’s full moon falling in Leo at the end of January some fun is definitely required, so go plan some dates in that diary of yours and this should mitigate the likelihood of you finding yourself all serious, uptight and overwhelmed by the end of the first month.


Which area of your life is likely to be affected by this New Moon?

Where does this New Moon fall within your natal chart?

If you’re unsure of how to find this and would like help with understanding your natal chart, you can sign up for my newsletter and receive my E-Book “Introductory Tips for Astrological Self Awareness” for free.

Look for 26 degrees and 54 seconds of Capricorn. which is the position of the New Moon.

What does that house (area of life) represent?

Are there any planets, which fall at (or very close to) 26 degrees within your natal chart?

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Tracking the Lunar Cycle each Month

Remember that New Moons are fabulous for cleansing your crystals and your home  and for setting intentions.

I also offer a 12-month subscription to my Lunar Illuminations.

These alerts are a great way to track your intentions helping you to tune into your own emotional ebb and flow as the Moon moves through her eight phases each month.

You can subscribe to my Lunar Illuminations here.


The New Moon will exact  on January 17th at 12:17:08pm (AEST, GMT+10) here in Brisbane. .

Now, go commit to making change happen and start forming something magical!!

Here’s to your Success 🙂

With Much Love and Kindness, Toria xo






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