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Full Moon in Capricorn – July 2016

Full Moon in Capricorn July 2016On Wednesday we have our July Full Moon in the sign of Capricorn illuminating themes of provision, care and responsibility.

The Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon is Capricorn 28: “A Large Aviary”.

This gives a feeling of busyness and potential difficulty in meeting the demands that are being laid upon you.

With Saturn as ruler of this Moon currently travelling retrograde in Sagittarius there can be the feeling of having one’s wings clipped and with Saturn also squaring Neptune, you may be connecting with an element of disillusionment and seriousness; potentially even melancholy around that; feeling that “it’s all work and no pleasure”.

Perhaps there has been too much talk and not enough action around a particular goal and it’s now time to get to work on building your future; one that is grounded in reality.

Capricorn is a sign associated with boundaries and structure and you may need to consider putting boundaries into your life to prevent you from being pulled in many directions or from being distracted by others. Too much distraction can lead to a lack of progress.

Remember that Full Moons tend to bring issues to the surface for release.

Watch for what surfaces within your life between now and Wednesday. What is trying to get your attention? What isn’t working?


With the Sun on Cancer 28 and the Moon squaring Uranus: “An Indian Girl Introduces Her College Boyfriend To Her Assembled Tribe” it could be time to introduce something new into your life. This could actually be a new person, who shows up or perhaps it’s related to a new routine at home, a new structure or a new way of working.

People often need time to adapt to change so remember to be gentle with yourself and others if a new idea hasn’t been readily accepted. It doesn’t mean that it never will be. Does it need some re-work or adjustment?


The Moon will turn void of course after the Full Moon exacts marking a great time for contemplation.

You may wish to meditate on how you balance the following polarities within your life:

Both Cancer and Capricorn are associated with traditions so you may find yourself contemplating how your connection with your larger family, your past and your lineage.


Where in your chart does this moon fall? Look for 27 degrees and 40 seconds of Capricorn. Which area of life (shown by the house) is being highlighted?

Also check for any planets falling around 27 degrees; especially of the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), as themes related to these planets will also be important.

If you’d like a free copy of my EBook ‘Introductory Tips for Astrological Self Awareness’, which will help you with this, you can get yours here.


The Full Moon will be exact on Tuesday 20th July 2016 at 08:56am here in Brisbane (AEST).

The Moon will be void of course from 08:56:31am until 01:10pm here in Brisbane (AEST).

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