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Deepening of the Heart and Re-Aligning with Core Values – Venus Retrograde 2017

Up there with what has been February’s Eclipse window we have Venus; travelling at her slowest and moving through the degrees of the Zodiac to, which she will later return on her retrograde journey (yes, she’s already in the shadow zone).

Venus Retrograde – Subtle Signs – Have you Experienced Any Yet?

If you’re sensitive to energy, you may have been privy to some of the subtle whispers of what her upcoming retrograde journey may bring to you on a personal level.

That’s because she’s been steadily slowing down and moving through this ‘shadow zone’ since 31st January 2017.

Have you started to reconsider your appearance lately?

Perhaps you’re feeling the need for a makeover or are generally feeling a little dowdy?

Are you feeling a little less inclined to socialise right now?

Venus Retrograde – Meaning

Venus turns retrograde approximately once every 18months usually triggering an introversion of energy.

That’s because Venus is going deep during this period. She’s going within and she’s reconnecting you with your heart.

This re-connection triggers a personal review, usually related to the following themes:

This review can be invaluable; helping you to deepen your connection with your own heart and to move forward more in touch with your sense of personal style and your desires after she turns direct (April 2017).

Venus Retrograde – Recommendations

Therefore, it’s recommended to:

Because your value system is about to undergo a review, it is not generally recommended to:

Believe me, you’re listening to someone who went all out on a whole new hair colour during one Venus Retrograde and she will never do that again!!

I also have a sister who purchased her house during a Venus Retrograde period and it has cost her quite a bit of money in repairs over the last few years.

In fact, if possible, it may be best to wait out such decisions until Venus clears the retrograde zone completely.

If you can, of course.

If you can’t, then you may want to check and double-check the details where possible.

Venus will clear the retrograde zone when she passes the point at which she initially turned retrograde and that’s due to occur on 19th May at 02:32am (AEST).

This is also a great time to reassess your finances and to go over your budget.

Venus Retrograde and The Past

It can be enlightening to look back 8 years (if you can remember that far), as this year’s Venus retrograde will hold similar echoes to the one occurring during 2009.

That’s because she will be activating the same signs and likely the same house within your birth chart (house = area of life).

The possibility of encountering people from your past (with whom you’ve shared a relationship) can also increase during the Venus Retrograde period; especially if you still have lessons to learn here.

Venus Retrograde and Your Love Life

Your love life and relationships may be up for review at this time; especially with Jupiter also retrograde at this time in Venus’ sign (Libra).

That’s because Jupiter is the planet of growth and Venus is what we want to attract to us and what we value, so with Jupiter and Venus retrograde, you may be considering:

Although some relationships could end during this time, it is highly unlikely that a usually happy and strong one will.

Such a break up would usually be a case of “the straw breaking the camels back” where one partner is desiring growth or more appreciation and the other is unable to give this.

Venus Retrograde and Creativity

Venus’ Retrograde path, as she moves through our skies creates a five-pointed star, which is a symbol of manifestation and innate creativity.

During her period of retrogradation, you may feel an innate deepening and an inner pull that re-connects you with the magic and wonder of your inner World.

Fostering a deep connection with your inner World can increase your capacity for unconditional love (of self and others) and bring forth a strengthening of your innate creativity that you can then bring into the World as your unique expression of love.

Venus Retrograde Through The Signs (Aries and Pisces)

Venus will seemingly move backwards through two signs.

They are Aries and Pisces.

The following explains how Venus functions in these signs, so that you can be on the look out for possible expressions of how her retrograde energy is playing out for you on a personal level.

Are any of these themes arising in you during her retrograde journey?

Venus in Aries

Venus is in detriment in Mars-ruled Aries.

Here, she is colourful, impatient, competitive and bold; often taking the lead in relationships and pursuing what she desires ardently.

This placement is a fiery Venus and she needs an outlet for all that excess energy to prevent arguments and conflicts from creeping in.

A strong leader, independent and active, Venus is warm and fun in Aries, but she may find it difficult to consider the needs of her loved ones, and to exercise patience; seeking the fulfilment of her desires immediately.

Impulsive actions or spending,  frustrations related to wanting things right now and lust could feature, as Venus backtracks through this sign.

Venus in Aries embraces the warrior within, which when used constructively, can give motivation to fight on behalf of others and the motivation to keep dream or a personal relationship thriving and renewed.

Venus retrograde in Pisces

In contrast to her Aries journey, Venus is exalted in Pisces.

At best, this is Venus at her most compassionate, heart-centred, sensitive and unconditional; devoted to service.

At worse, the idealised Pisces vision can result in disappointment; when dreams don’t live up the fantasy or when partners fall from their idealised pedestals (and they will – they’re human).

Venus in Pisces longs to merge in sacred union with others, but the lack of boundaries can feel stifling to other signs and when the spiritual path is denied, negative patterns; such as alcoholism, victim mentality and confusion can creep in sometimes resulting in co-dependent relationships.

This Venus wants romance (the fairy tale), stories of heroism (where they are either victim or saviour) and is often something of a creative genius, intuitively connecting with and channelling through their Art (in whatever form they create).

A softening, a deepening of compassion, the understanding that we are all one, heightened sensitivity and empathy and an increased love for all is a likely manifestation of Venus’ journey through Pisces, as is allowing oneself to be vulnerable and being more open to trust and faith in a higher power.

This is also a great time to practice forgiveness and to let go of old hurts that may be holding you back from deeper levels of relating.

The Details and How This Might Affect You Personally

Venus will turn  retrograde at 07:09pm on 4th March 2017 (AEST).

Between March 4th 2017 and Mid-May Venus will seemingly move backwards from 13degrees and 8seconds of Aries to 26degrees and 54seconds of Pisces.

Where does that area fall within your natal chart?

Which houses (area of life) are likely to be affected?

Where are you re-valuing your life?

Also look for Planets that fall within that degree range (26 degrees and 54 seconds of Pisces to 13 degrees and 8 seconds of Aries) within your personal chart, as their function is likely to be affected.

If you’d like help with understanding your chart (and to obtain a free copy of your chart if you don’t already have one) you can sign up for my newsletter and download my E-Book “Introductory Tips for Astrological Self Awareness”, which I give out as a thank you to those who join my list.

Much Love,

Toria xo

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