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Mars Re-Enters Sagittarius

Mars ReEnters Sagittarius Horses Running PAID

At 03:49am today (AEST 3rd August 2016), Mars re-entered the fiery and expansive sign of Sagittarius from the deep and powerful depths of Scorpio.

From now until August 22nd be prepared to confront any residual aggression that may arise in relation to the following themes:

With Saturn now moving at his slowest, the urge to rush ahead is bound to be met with some frustration, so be mindful of a need for patience and self-reflection.

Such triggers may see you connecting with:

Mars in Sagittarius tends to boundless energy and enthusiasm, so be aware of the potential of taking on more than you can handle, carelessness and a tendency to clumsiness.

Remember to connect with any impatience/anger that arises; To feel it, give it space and acknowledge it and you may just be rewarded with some semblance of understanding (of its deeper meaning) and hopefully, its release.

Exercise may help. Especially if you’re feeling restless.

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