Mercury Retrograde in Virgo – Time to Revisit the Details

Mercury’s Earthy Focus During 2016

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During 2016, Mercury’s retrograde focus has been on the Earth signs, which makes for a year when we have been likely reassessing the current structures of our lives and dealing with the practicalities.

Organisation, attending to the mundane, healthful eating and exercise regimes, Mercury Retrograde 2016de-cluttering of one’s home, office and/or car, day to day routine and the status of one’s bank account could all be featuring strongly this year.

It is a year of re-assessing our reality and for getting ‘our house in order’ so to speak.


Mercury Retrograde in Virgo

We have now entered the lead up period to Mercury’s third retrograde cycle of 2016, which will take place in the Earthy sign of Virgo.

Are you being pulled to re-address some of the finer detail within your life? What is requiring greater organisation?

Virgo is a sign greatly aligned with analysis and refinement, so this is a fabulous period to re-visit anything that needs to be re-tuned or re-worked; be it at home, in the office, a subject for study or in relation to your health and body.

Mercury’s Retrograde periods are synonymous with delays and with Virgo being a stickler for the detail, it will be wise to add a little fat into any deadlines that you’re working on, as now is a strong time for finding mistakes.

Revisiting the Past

As Mercury is ruler of communication, you may find that you are revisiting the past in some way.

Dreaming of old friends, being reconnected with old work colleagues or heading down memory lane can all feature strongly now; sometimes in relation to something karmic that needs to be cleared up.

Turning Inward/Going Within

You may also find that you are feeling more withdrawn than is usual, as the mind can become more subdued/inward during a Mercury Retrograde and it can be a good time for meditation and connecting more readily with our subconscious mind.

Many writers have Mercury Retrograde within their birth charts so connecting with your innate self-expression through journaling/poetry or creative writing may prove fruitful at this time.

Be on the look out for signs and symbols, as your ability to pick up on them could be stronger at this time.

Potential for Miscommunication and Delay

Delays, mix ups and mishaps may arise and it is important to double-check information at this time and to be clear with your words and your instructions.

Rest assured that if you aren’t, Mercury will point it out for you so that you can learn from whatever confusion has occurred and hone your communication accordingly.

Mercury is a teacher, after all and he is adept at bringing subconscious patterns to light during his retrograde phase.

What do you need to work on in relation to the way that you communicate?

‘Communication’ covers anything that connects us to others; including short journeys, so journeys, cars, the mail service, emails, computers and telephones can all feature at this time.

It is advisable to back-up computers, re-read anything written, plan ahead and check the small print.

Potential for Increased Anxiety and Criticism

Virgo is also a sign that loves to work and to feel purposeful.

With 3 planets in Virgo along with the North Node and The Sun at the time of the retrograde be prepared for an increase in busyness, self-analysis and mind chatter.

Virgo seeks perfection so be mindful of a tendency to over-criticise others at this time and be especially kind to yourself, as self-criticism and negative self talk can increase anxiety levels.

If this is affecting you, spending plenty of time in nature can help. Sitting on a large area of grass surrounded by trees and gazing at the green colours can bring about calm as can hugging a tree.

Meditation can help to restore frayed nerves and settle those worried thoughts as can Lavender Essential Oil and Crowea Bush Flower Essence

Where Will This Mercury Retrograde Affect You?

To understand where this energy is playing out within your life, look for 14 to 29 degrees of Virgo within your personal birth chart. Which house is it in?

Also look for 14 to 29 degrees of the other Earth Signs (Taurus and Capricorn), as this will indicate where you have been called to get more practical, organised and grounded in reality this year.

Also look for any natal planets around these degrees that will come into contact with Mercury during his retrograde journey.

If you’d like a free copy of my E-Book ‘Introductory Tips for Astrological Self Awareness’ to help you to explore this, you can click here.


An understanding of the different phases of the Mercury Retrograde Phase can help you make the best of this time.

Click here for a break down of this particular Mercury Retrograde Phase. You may wish to print it out and use it for reference.

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  3. […] Mercury Retrograde in Virgo – Time to Revisit the Details […]

  4. […] Mercury Retrograde in Virgo – Time to Revisit the Details […]

  5. […] Mercury Retrograde in Virgo – Time to Revisit the Details […]

  6. […] If you’d like more information on this cycle of Mercury Retrograde, you can find it here😉 […]

  7. […] Mercury Retrograde in Virgo – Time to Revisit the Details […]

  8. […] Mercury Retrograde in Virgo Mercury retrograde in Virgo 2016 […]

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